
This package contains a Alert component that can be used to show a message to make the user aware of something.

This library is based on Radix Ui.

Change Log


To use this package, you must install the @pikas-ui/styles package.


You can install this package using npm, yarn, or pnpm.

npm install @pikas-ui/alert
yarn add @pikas-ui/alert
pnpm add @pikas-ui/alert



This component is used to show a message to make the user aware of something.

This is an danger alert.
This is a success alert.
This is a warning alert.
This is an info alert.
import { Alert } from "@pikas-ui/alert";

const Example: React.FC = () => {
  return (
    <Alert variant="alert">
      Ea Lorem fugiat aliquip irure aliquip quis mollit ullamco aliquip occaecat culpa.


variantAlert variant of the alert componentAlertVariant"info"
childrenAlert contentReactNode-
fontSizeFont size of the alert componentPikasFontSize"em-small"
fontWeightFont weight of the alert componentPikasFontWeight"normal"
borderRadiusBorder radius of the alert componentPikasRadius"md"
iconSizeIcon size of the alert componentnumber24
paddingPadding of the alert componentAlertPadding"md"
gapGap of the alert componentAlertGap"sm"
visibleVisibility of the alert componentbooleantrue
cssCustom css of the alert componentAlertCSS-


You can use this component to create a custom alert component.

This is an danger alert.
import { CustomAlert } from "@pikas-ui/alert";
import type { IconProps } from '@pikas-ui/icons'

const IconExample: React.FC<IconProps> = (props) => {
  return <IconByName {...props} name="bx:baguette" />

const Example: React.FC = () => {
  return (
      This is an error alert.


childrenAlert contentReactNode-
fontSizeFont size of the alert componentPikasFontSize"em-small"
fontWeightFont weight of the alert componentPikasFontWeight"normal"
borderRadiusBorder radius of the alert componentPikasRadius"md"
iconSizeIcon size of the alert componentnumber24
paddingPadding of the alert componentAlertPadding"md"
gapGap of the alert componentAlertGap"sm"
IconIcon of the alert componentFC<IconProps>-
backgroundColorNameBackground color of the alert componentPikasColors-
colorNameColor of the alert componentPikasColors-
visibleVisibility of the alert componentbooleantrue
cssCustom css of the alert componentAlertCSS-


This documentation can be edited on GitHub here