
This package contains a explorer component that can be used to show a list of files and folders.

This library is based on Dnd-kit.

Change Log


To use this package, you must install the @pikas-ui/styles package.


You can install this package using npm, yarn, or pnpm.

npm install @pikas-ui/explorer
yarn add @pikas-ui/explorer
pnpm add @pikas-ui/explorer



This component is used to show a list of files and folders. You can use the showType prop to change the view type. And you can drag and drop items to move them to another folder.

With grid view

Folder after root
Folder test

With list view

Folder after root
Folder test
Created at
import type { ExplorerItem, ExplorerShowType } from '@pikas-ui/explorer';
import { Explorer } from '@pikas-ui/explorer';
import type { IconProps } from '@pikas-ui/icons';
import { IconByName } from '@pikas-ui/icons';

const TrashIcon: FC<IconProps> = (props) => (
  <IconByName {...props} name="bx:trash" />

const data: ExplorerItem[] = [
    id: '1',
    name: 'Folder',
    type: 'folder',
    size: '1.2 MB',
    createdAt: '2021-01-01',
    updatedAt: '2021-01-01',
    isFavorite: true,
    id: '2',
    name: 'my-file.png',
    type: 'file',
    size: '987.6 KB',
    createdAt: '2020-03-01',
    updatedAt: '2020-03-01',
    isFavorite: false,

const Example: React.FC = () => {
  return (
      items={data.map((item) => ({
        menu: [
            items: [
                type: 'item',
                label: 'Delete',
                onClick: (): void => {
                  alert(`Delete item id: ${item.id}`);
                colorName: 'danger',
                Icon: TrashIcon,
          id: '100',
          name: 'Root',
          id: '101',
          name: 'Folder after root',
          id: '102',
          name: 'Folder',
      onOpenItem={(item): void => {
        alert(`Open item id: ${item.id}`);
      onDropItems={({ folderId, item }): void => {
          `Drop item id: ${item
            .map((i) => i.id)
            .join(', ')} to folder id: ${folderId}`
      onFavoriteItem={async (item): Promise<void> => {
        await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 1000));
        alert(`Favorite item id: ${item.id}`);
        default: false,
        xs: false,
        sm: false,
        md: true,
        lg: true,
        xl: true,
          accessType: ['folder'],
          onClick: (ids): void => {
            alert(`Delete items id: ${ids.join(', ')}`);
          Icon: TrashIcon,


showTypeThe type of view to showExplorerShowTypegrid
itemsThe items to showExplorerItem[]-
multiSelectableIf the items can be selectedbooleantrue
breadcrumbThe breadcrumb to showBreadcrumbItem[]-
onOpenItemThe callback when an item is openedOnOpenItem-
onDropItemsThe callback when an item is droppedOnDropItems-
onFavoriteItemThe callback when an item is favoritedOnFavoriteItem-
showFavoriteIf the favorite button is shownboolean-
showBreadcrumbIf the breadcrumb is shownShowBreadcrumb{ default: true }
showContextMenuIf the context menu is shownbooleantrue
showDropdownMenuIf the dropdown menu is shownbooleantrue
showActionsIf the actions are shownShowActions{ default: true }
actionsThe actions to showAction[]-
gridColsThe number of columns to showGridContainerCols{ default: 1, sm: 2, md: 3, lg: 4, xl: 5 }
gridRowGapThe row gap to showGridContainerRowGap{ default: 16 }
gridColumnGapThe column gap to showGridContainerColumnGap{ default: 16 }


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